Archive for dicembre 2015
Italian wine tasting and Low Histamine wine conference held in Beijing China / 中意葡萄酒品鉴会暨低组胺葡萄酒中国发布会在京举办
Italian wine tasting and low histamine wine conference held in Beijing China
Article taken by Chinese media - 通过中国媒体发表的文章
November 27, 2015, the Italian region of Piedmont winemaking team Low Histamine organization, together with Chateau Densiho (Beijing) Wine
Company Limited, West Lake Club, Tencent, Youku and other media, organized the
Low histamines new wine product release in Beijing. Sebastiano Ramello wine expert and owner
of low histamines techniques and Andrew Tsang, General Manager of Chateau
Densiho (Beijing) Wine Company Limited, chaired the event and bring the Low Histamines wine to China al together.
2015年11月27日, 意大利皮埃蒙特区葡萄酒酿造团队低组胺组织, 联同丹世红酒庄, 西海协同村和腾讯, 优酷等媒体, 于北京青龙湖召开了低组胺葡萄酒新产品发布会。发布会由低组胺酿酒技术的开发人沙巴斯安鲁.拉美洛(Sebastiano Ramello)和丹世红庄园(北京)有限公司的总经理曾锦华(Andrew)主持。
Sebastiano Ramello introduces low histamine winemaking technology in
the event, participants include professional China sommeliers and China
wineries guests.
发布会上沙巴斯安鲁.拉美洛(Sebastiano Ramello)介绍了低组胺酿酒技术的概况, 也邀请了以专业品酒师和国内酒庄为主的宾客们品鉴低组胺技术酿造的意大利皮埃蒙特葡萄酒, 并大获好评。
The feedbacks from the guests are very positive after the presentation
and tasting of wines. In recent years, wine is becoming more and more popular
in China. From popular celebrities to the public citizens, they start to taste
different kinds of wine. It is often found that headache or other uncomfortable
feelings will come along with drinking wine, and most of the result comes from
the ingredients in wine called – histamines.
In the world population, there is
20% of people suffer from histamines allergy. Histamines will make them headache
or in extreme cases may raise other health problems. Now, Sebastiano Ramello
and Andrew Tsang will together bring the low histamines wines to China.
全球有百分之二十的人口是组胺敏感者,组胺会导致他们严重偏头痛,头痛,头晕和呕心等症状,严重的话会引发其它并发症。沙巴斯安鲁.拉美洛(Sebastiano Ramello)是研究组胺(Histamines)水平的意大利酿酒组织名为"Low Histamines“低组胺的创办人,曾锦华(Andrew)是丹世红(北京)葡萄酒业有限公司的总经理,他们两位现在合作把低组胺葡萄酒带到中国市场。
Low histamines wine is raising more and more public attentions in
USA, Italy, Cuba, Japan and other countries in the world. In most wine, the
histamines content is 4-20 mg/Litre. In low histamines wine, the histamines
content is below 0.5 mg/Litre.
低组胺组织专注于硏究可给予对食物敏感或葡萄酒敏感者享用的葡萄酒。现在,低组胺组织会认证这类葡萄酒以及低组胺含量的葡萄酒,而Sebastiano ramello就是低组胺组织的发言人。
The low histamines winemaking techniques originate in Piemonte
Italy, where Piemonte is known as having the highest food safety standard in
the world. The first two low histamines wines are from the winery Veglio
Michelino & Figlio, which are the Dolcetto D’Alba doc 2013,2014; Barbera D’Alba doc 2013,2014 and Diano D'Alba docg 2014
低组胺酒在美国,意大利,古巴,日本已有广泛报导和引起国际社会关注,是葡萄酒历史上的新一页。现时大部分的葡萄酒都含有每公升4 - 20微克的组胺水平。低组胺组织会认证葡萄酒是否含有每公升0.5微克或以下的组胺水平。跟据过去几年跟全球不同地方的葡萄酒敏感者和食物敏感者的不断研究和测试,低组胺组织发现只要能酿造出含有低于每公升0.5微克的组胺水平的葡萄酒,由组胺引起的酒后头痛和偏头痛等的问题几乎完全消除,而其它酒后的副作用也大大减低。
低组胺葡萄酒不单是一个技术,也是对追求生活质素的一种态度。低组胺酿酒技术发源于意大利皮埃蒙特区,该区的食物安全检验和生活质量被称为世界之冠。低组胺组织会追踪整个生产过程,而不单只认证该葡萄酒含有低组胺水平。当然也包括追踪葡萄酒的产地和生产的质素。为此,低组胺团队包括酿酒师顾问,其中两位是Veglio Osvaldo和Marco Marchisto。Veglio Osvaldo除了是酿酒师和低组胺组织的顾问外,也是全球能生产首两支低胺水平的葡萄酒酒庄Veglio Michelino E FIGLIO酒庄的拥有人。Marco Marchisto也是Veglio Michelino E FIGLIO酒庄的酿酒师。要生产低胺水平的葡萄酒需要先从葡萄园做起。土地的成份是最重要的,肥料要用最天然的,也要安排修剪绿叶以令葡萄植物有更好的换气过程。这样能够让葡萄在完全成熟前保持最健康的状态。能够获得最健康的葡萄,使用正确的酒精和乳酸发酵程序,以及适当清洁的酒窖是最非常重要的。
首两支被认证为低胺水平的葡萄酒均是来自意大利皮埃蒙特省(Piedmont)朗格Langhe区的DOC级产区,名为Patrimonio del\'UNESCO“。第一支被认证的酒是2012多切托(Dolceltto d\'Alba),2013及2014年也将推出。多切托拥有强烈的个性,是意大利及皮埃蒙特省其中一种最重要的葡萄酒。多切托葡萄酒带有代表性的樱桃香味,在口腔中亦能感受到悠长的干爽口感。另一支获认证的低胺水平的葡萄酒也是主要生产于皮埃蒙特区的葡萄酒,名叫巴比拉(Barbera d\'Alba)。这两支酒都是意大利双马酒庄Veglio Michelion E Veglio酿造的。巴比拉跟多切托一样都是皮埃蒙特省最重要的葡萄酒之一。巴比拉的主要特征是她的清爽度和比多切托浓的酒体。巴比拉带有成熟的果实,黑樱桃和杂莓的香气。在口腔中能感受到平衡的酸度。最后,被低组胺组织认证的酒会被贴上“低组胺”的标签,瓶盖会采用橙色设计和写上Wine Selection Sebastiano Ramello。
for more information please follow the facebook page of Mr. Sebastian Ramello: https://www.facebook.com/WineSelectionSebastianoRamello/?ref=hl